Welcome to the Oklahoma House of Representatives

The Oklahoma House of Representatives consists of 101 members and is the larger chamber of the bicameral Oklahoma Legislature. All members are elected to a concurrent two-year term resulting in a close connection between the Representatives and the citizens of Oklahoma.

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From the House

Feb 1, 2023
McCall Elected to Historic Fourth Term as House Speaker

Today, the Oklahoma House of Representatives elected Rep. Charles McCall, R-Atoka, as Speaker of the House for his fourth term, extending his run as the longest serving speaker in state history.

"It is an honor to have the trust of my colleagues in the House and it is a duty that I do not take lightly," McCall said. "During my time in the House, we have worked together to lay the foundation for a stronger Oklahoma. We have made great strides toward improving government efficiency, bolstering our economy and improving education within our state, but more work remains to be done. Over these next two years I look forward to working together with my colleagues in the House, as well as our counterparts in the Senate and executive branch, as we continue to move Oklahoma forward."

McCall was elected to represent House District 22 in 2012. McCall and his wife Stephanie live in Atoka County and have two children, Chase and Carson.

The House also adopted rules for the upcoming 59th legislative session, which begins Monday, February 6.


Press Contact: Daniel Seitz, House Republican Caucus Communications Director

Phone: (405) 962-7649

News & Announcements

Oct 15, 2024
Recent Posts

Pae, Alonso-Sandoval Host Study on Rural Healthcare Challenges

Rep. Daniel Pae, R-Lawton, and Rep. Arturo Alonso-Sandoval, D-Oklahoma City, hosted an interim study on healthcare challenges facing rural Oklahomans before the House Public Health Committee on Thursday, Oct. 10.  "A strong healthcare system is the backbone of a healthy economy, but when we fail to invest in rural healthcare, we fail our fellow Oklahomans," Pae said. "Without providing the right resources today, rural hospitals will continue to close their doors. These difficulties won't just go away if we ignore the problem or resolve themselves unless we take targeted investment and action."  "This interim study shed light on our current healthcare challenges and the immediate steps we can take to make a significant difference next session," Alonso-Sandoval said. "As a representative of an urban district, I've seen how parts of our cities face healthcare access issues similar to our rural communities. It's clear that addressing the lack of healthcare resources is crucial for all Oklahomans, no matter where they live. This study emphasized the importance in providing comprehensive solutions that ensure quality healthcare is accessible to every Oklahoman." According to the Oklahoma Hospital Association (OHA), in 2023, Oklahoma's healthcare spending per capita was $9,444, whereas the U.S. healthcare spending per capita was $10,191.  When speaking on operational challenges hospitals face, Rich Rasmussen, president and CEO of OHA, said total expenses were $2 billion higher in 2023 than pre-pandemic. He attributed this increase to rising labor costs, including contract labor expenses, as well as growing prices of utilities, drugs and supplies.  "The majority of hospitals dipped into their reserves to be able to cover operating costs," Rasmussen said.  Sean McAvoy, executive director of Primary Care Services for Comanche County Hospital Authority, said there are several reasons why providers may choose not to go to rural areas.  McAvoy said many rural areas lack facilities that meet healthcare standards, requiring new construction of healthcare facilities, as well as having a smaller workforce to recruit from, leading many healthcare providers to recruit new hires, which can be costly. Additionally, McAvoy said, rural areas with fewer employees mean fewer people with employer-sponsored healthcare, which typically pays better rates to healthcare providers.  McAvoy said transportation presents a challenge in rural areas, especially for older adults, but telemedicine is an increasingly valuable tool to address certain healthcare concerns. He also pointed to mobile clinics as a good option to expand care in rural areas quickly, although he said they typically have high operational costs.  Melissa Alvillar, the chief nursing officer at Comanche County Memorial Hospital, said Oklahoma is ranked 49th nationally in healthcare outcomes.  "Hospitals such as ours are willing to grow and willing to add beds to facilitate the care that the rural environment needs, but we need the financial help to support that," Alvillar said. She said healthcare providers need support from lawmakers to deliver the care Oklahomans deserve.  "We have the ability to be higher in healthcare than 49th," Alvillar said.  She told attendees it's hard to get people to join or stay in the healthcare workforce given the increase in physical assaults and threats against healthcare providers and, as a result, the cost of staff pay and benefits to retain employees is "through the roof," further stressing hospitals' and clinics' budgets.  Dr. Mark Woodring, vice chair of the Board of Rural Health Association of Oklahoma, highlighted the recent groundbreaking of a new rural hospital in Tillman County. Since the 2016 closure of Memorial Hospital and Physician Group in Frederick, residents have driven between 30 minutes to an hour to receive hospital-level care. The new hospital is funded in part by the Legislature's appropriation of federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds.  According to the most recent data, Woodring said, "Most of Oklahoma is a health professional shortage area." One suggestion he offered to improve rural health outcomes was creating a healthcare rural opportunity zone pilot program or offering state income tax exemptions or credits to providers who relocate.  "It's creating maybe an additional incentive not to go into a specialty that's going to pay them more," Woodring said. "They know that certainly primary care, while competitive is not paying as much as a maybe a cardiologist or an orthopedic surgeon."

Oct 15, 2024
Recent Posts

Legislators Respond to Supreme Court Request in Hiett Case

OKLAHOMA CITY – Reps. Tom Gann, R-Inola, Kevin West, R-Moore, and Rick West, R-Heavener, today issued statements regarding an Oklahoma Supreme Court request for oral arguments in their case against Oklahoma Corporation Commissioner Todd Hiett. "On Monday, the Oklahoma Supreme Court changed its position and took the extraordinary step of asking for oral arguments about our Petition for a Writ of Prohibition against Corporation Commissioner Todd Hiett. We filed our case after allegations of sexual misconduct and public drunkenness were published, but Hiett refused to disqualify himself from Oklahoma Corporation Commission cases involving the victims and/or witnesses of his alleged criminal conduct. These utility cases are worth billions of dollars and affect millions of Oklahoma customers of Oklahoma Natural Gas, Oklahoma Gas & Electric, and Public Service Company of Oklahoma. "We are thrilled and encouraged by this development. The court clearly recognizes the extreme public importance of this matter and the potential for severe injury to Oklahoma ratepayers if Hiett’s tainted participation is allowed to continue to violate Oklahomans' constitutional due process rights. We look forward to making our case to the court on November 12." In addition, the lawmakers reiterated their earlier public statements on this matter: Sept. 5, 2024: https://www.okhouse.gov/posts/news-20240905_1 Sept. 30, 2024: https://www.okhouse.gov/posts/news-20240930_3

Oct 15, 2024
Recent Posts

Oklahoma Freedom Caucus Challenge "National Coming Out Day" Event at Tinker Air Force Base

The Oklahoma Freedom Caucus (OKFC) challenge the decision to host and promote "National Coming Out Day" at Tinker Air Force Base. Sen. Shane Jett, chair of the OKFC and a U.S. Navy veteran, expressed the criticism shared by thousands of military families. "Military bases have significant budgets to cultivate positive relationships in their communities," Jett said. "It’s incomprehensible that Tinker Air Force Base would openly promote a prurient lifestyle that would obviously affront the tenets of faith of over 75% of Oklahoma’s professing Christian population, as well those practicing Jewish and Muslim faiths. It is vulgar, prurient, inappropriate and unbecoming of our military facilities." Rep. Jim Olsen, House vice chair of the OKFC, echoed these concerns, adding, "The military exists to protect our freedoms, not to serve as a platform for sexual social experimentation. Events like these distract from their mission and undermine the moral fabric that holds our armed forces together. We will continue to demand that Tinker focuses on what matters most: national defense and the protection of American values." Sen. Dusty Deevers, Senate vice chair of the OKFC, emphasized the potential dangers of such events, saying, “We urge Oklahomans to make their voices heard. For too long, polite and long-suffering Oklahomans have endured intentional disrespect to their moral sensibilities, defiance of tenets of their faith in direct offense of morality and decency. This is not the way forward.” The OKFC encouraged citizens to demand accountability from Tinker Air Force Base and their elected representatives. "Silence has been interpreted as the consent of hedonistic sexual gratification as a so-called 'alternative lifestyle,'" Jett said. "We do not give our consent. We do not approve. We call appropriate shame upon those who promote this nonsense in the name of ‘diversity, equity and inclusion,’ which is intended to divide, distract and destroy the morale of this country and devastate the military readiness of our armed forces." The members said the public can get involved by requesting their state and federal legislators require military facilities to focus on military readiness, provide a wholesome environment for the base community, and discontinue the promotion of sexual and politically-charged events that affront and disrespect Oklahoma values. The members encouraged the public to directly contact Tinker Air Force Base to express their opposition at 405-739-2025.