Appropriations and Budget

House Committee

Committees News & Announcements

Dec 10, 2024
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Speaker-Elect Announces New Government Efficiency Portal

The Oklahoma House of Representatives today added to its transparency portal a government efficiency survey intended to root out duplication of services, waste and inefficiencies in state government.  This initiative piggybacks on the federal effort to eliminate government waste through the newly-created federal Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE). "We will work hand-in-hand with President-Elect Trump and our federal delegation on broader efforts to make government more efficient with DOGE," said House Speaker-Elect Kyle Hilbert, R-Bristow. "We want to ensure our state government is working as efficiently and cost-effectively as possible. As lawmakers, we want the assistance of Oklahomans who have first-hand experience with duplicative and wasteful spending of taxpayer dollars." Oklahomans can enter any examples they have experienced of state governmental waste or duplication into the easy-to-use portal, which will be submitted to House budget leaders for review to be utilized during legislative budget hearings and the crafting of the FY26 state budget.  "We know Oklahomans get frustrated every day with the inefficiency of government, and we need their help to root out the most egregious examples so we can eliminate unnecessary expenditures," said Rep. Trey Caldwell, R-Lawton, who will serve as House Appropriations Chairman for the 60th Legislature. "The more efficient we can become, the more we can invest in critical government services and pursue lowering the overall tax burden for all Oklahomans." Constituents can file government waste complaints online by entering some demographic information, the issue area their example encompasses, and details of waste or inefficiencies. "We are confident we will get examples of inefficiency that we likely would not have known about otherwise," said Rep. John Kane, R-Bartlesville, who will serve as Vice Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee this upcoming session. "Every January we have an opportunity to walk through budget requests with state agencies, and we will have the ability to ask about these constituent submissions directly in an effort to make government as efficient and effective as possible." The portal is live today, and Oklahomans can immediately start entering examples of waste they have already encountered or will see in the future. "We hope to capitalize on the momentum we are seeing on the federal level with the efforts of President Trump at DOGE, and the national priority they have set to reduce waste," Hilbert said. "Oklahoma has the opportunity to align with these efforts and lead at the state and local level as we seek best practices and frameworks for auditing and reducing waste in government spending." The Government Efficiency survey may be accessed via the homepage of the House website,, similar to the House Budget HQ , which was launched in the 2024 session and updated regularly. All submitted agency FY26 budget requests have been updated and can be viewed in the portal.  

Aug 16, 2024
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Wallace Announces LOFT Investigation of OSDE Spending

Rep. Kevin Wallace, R-Wellston, today announced that the Legislative Office of Fiscal Transparency (LOFT) would begin an investigation into spending concerns regarding the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE). This investigation, approved by Speaker Charles McCall, R-Atoka, and spearheaded by Wallace in his capacity as Chairman of LOFT, will focus on issues raised by both legislators and private citizens regarding alleged OSDE funding disbursement issues. "In my capacity as Chairman, I intend to have LOFT investigate funding disbursement concerns raised by both citizens and legislators in regard to funds earmarked to OSDE for specific purposes," Wallace said. "This isn’t about Superintendent Walters; this is about the transparency of a State Agency and getting answers for our constituents. When the Legislature approves funding for a specific purpose, it is incumbent on the agency to which those funds are allocated to spend them properly and in a timely manner. If there are issues with disbursements being made, that information should be communicated to the Legislature well before schools are incumbered. I look forward to using the processes and procedures available within LOFT to address the concerns that have been raised with OSDE funding, and will conduct a thorough, transparent investigation to provide answers to my fellow legislators and the citizens of Oklahoma." "LOFT is designed to ensure that taxpayer dollars are being spent responsibly by state agencies, making them the ideal entity to examine any concerns related to spending at OSDE," McCall said. "This investigation by LOFT allows us to address these concerns efficiently without the need for a costly special legislative session. I trust that Chairman Wallace, and LOFT, will conduct a comprehensive review that will provide clarity on the issues at OSDE and offer solutions to ensure that taxpayer funds are managed appropriately. I fully support this process. Additionally, my office will be sharing all relevant information with Attorney General Gentner Drummond regarding any potential violations of the Open Records or Open Meeting Acts by OSDE. We are committed to transparency, and the findings from this investigation will be made available to the public.” LOFT is a state agency in the legislative branch that assists the Oklahoma House and Senate. LOFT provides budgetary recommendations to the LOFT Oversight Committee for use in setting the funding of state government, higher education, and public schools.

May 28, 2024
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House Approves $50 Million Funding to Repair Arkansas River Levees

A measure dedicating $50 million toward modifications and upgrades along the Arkansas River passed the Oklahoma House of Representatives Tuesday. House Bill 2890 appropriates $50 million from the Progressing Rural Economic Prosperity (PREP) Fund to the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). The monies would be used for upgrades to the levees along the Arkansas River and feeder waterways in Northeast Oklahoma. The measure was presented on the House floor by Rep. Lonnie Sims, R-Jenks, who has worked on numerous pieces of legislation related to hazard mitigation. "The passage of House Bill 2890 marks a crucial step toward safeguarding our communities and assets from potential flood risks," Sims said. "By investing in these much-needed upgrades to the Arkansas River levees, we are not only protecting the lives and property of thousands of Oklahomans but also ensuring that we don't miss out on significant federal funds to enhance our infrastructure. This proactive approach is essential for the long-term safety and prosperity of Northeast Oklahoma." Sims has said previously that action was needed immediately to capitalize on a $137.4 million in federal matching funds to repair the levees along the Arkansas River in Tulsa County. The levee system has been ranked in the top 5% most at risk for failure by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. It's estimated that approximately 10,000 people and over $2 billion in assets are protected by the Arkansas River levees. HB2890 passed the Joint Committee on Appropriations & Budget on Monday. Sims said presenting the measure on Memorial Day held a special significance as Oklahomans remembered the 40th anniversary of the 1984 Mingo Creek flood, which killed 14 people and caused over $180 million worth of property damage.  HB2890 passed the House 87-0 and now moves to the Senate for consideration. It would take effect on July 1 at the start of Fiscal Year 2025.

Committee Members



Trey Caldwell


District 63

Vice Chair

John Kane


District 11

Steve Bashore


District 7

Forrest Bennett


District 92

Meloyde Blancett


District 78

Brad Boles


District 51

Ty Burns


District 35

Chad Caldwell


District 40

Scott Fetgatter


District 16

Ross Ford


District 76

Andy Fugate


District 94

Jim Grego


District 17

Brian Hill


District 47

Gerrid Kendrix


District 52

Dell Kerbs


District 26

Mark Lawson


District 30

Ken Luttrell


District 37

Robert Manger


District 101

Nicole Miller


District 82

Cyndi Munson


District 85

Carl Newton


District 58

Mike Osburn


District 81

Daniel Pae


District 62

John Pfeiffer


District 38

Melissa Provenzano


District 79

Trish Ranson


District 34

Danny Sterling


District 27

Preston Stinson


District 96

Judd Strom


District 10

Josh West


District 5

Kevin West


District 54

Tammy West


District 84

House Staff Assigned

Mark Harter

Chief Counsel

John McPhetridge

Director of Fiscal & Counsel

Audrey Oliphant

Staff Attorney II