Appropriations and Budget

House Committee

Committees News & Announcements

May 28, 2024
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House Approves $50 Million Funding to Repair Arkansas River Levees

A measure dedicating $50 million toward modifications and upgrades along the Arkansas River passed the Oklahoma House of Representatives Tuesday. House Bill 2890 appropriates $50 million from the Progressing Rural Economic Prosperity (PREP) Fund to the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). The monies would be used for upgrades to the levees along the Arkansas River and feeder waterways in Northeast Oklahoma. The measure was presented on the House floor by Rep. Lonnie Sims, R-Jenks, who has worked on numerous pieces of legislation related to hazard mitigation. "The passage of House Bill 2890 marks a crucial step toward safeguarding our communities and assets from potential flood risks," Sims said. "By investing in these much-needed upgrades to the Arkansas River levees, we are not only protecting the lives and property of thousands of Oklahomans but also ensuring that we don't miss out on significant federal funds to enhance our infrastructure. This proactive approach is essential for the long-term safety and prosperity of Northeast Oklahoma." Sims has said previously that action was needed immediately to capitalize on a $137.4 million in federal matching funds to repair the levees along the Arkansas River in Tulsa County. The levee system has been ranked in the top 5% most at risk for failure by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. It's estimated that approximately 10,000 people and over $2 billion in assets are protected by the Arkansas River levees. HB2890 passed the Joint Committee on Appropriations & Budget on Monday. Sims said presenting the measure on Memorial Day held a special significance as Oklahomans remembered the 40th anniversary of the 1984 Mingo Creek flood, which killed 14 people and caused over $180 million worth of property damage.  HB2890 passed the House 87-0 and now moves to the Senate for consideration. It would take effect on July 1 at the start of Fiscal Year 2025.

Apr 11, 2024
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Sims Passes Arkansas River Levee Support through House A&B

The Oklahoma House of Representatives Appropriations & Budget Committee has approved legislation aimed at bolstering the Arkansas River Levees through the establishment of a revolving fund managed by the Army Corps of Engineers.  Senate Bill 1391, carried in the House by Rep. Lonnie Sims, R-Jenks, paves the way for the creation of the Arkansas River Levee Improvement Revolving Fund under the Oklahoma Water Resources Board. If signed into law, the $50 million fund would be used to improve the 20 miles of levees along the Arkansas River.  Levees, which are used to prevent the overflow of rivers, play an important role in maintaining safety infrastructure and protecting homes, businesses, and people.  Sims said prompt action is needed to capture the $137.4 million in federal matching funds to repair and replace the levees along the Arkansas River in Tulsa County, which have been ranked in the top 5% most at risk for failure in the United States by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. "To quote one of my favorite movies, Apollo 13, 'failure is not an option,'" Sims said. "We have to capitalize on the opportunity now to repair and replace this critical infrastructure that is well beyond its engineering design life." An estimated 10,000 people and over $2 billion in assets are protected by these levees. "To put that in perspective, 87% of Oklahoma towns are less than 5,000 in population," Sims said. "So failure could very well be the equivalent of wiping two Oklahoma towns completely off the map." SB1391 passed the House Appropriations & Budget Committee 34-0. The bill, which was authored in the Senate by Sen. Cody Rogers, R-Tulsa, is now eligible to be heard on the House floor.

Mar 8, 2024
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Grego Bill to Help Restore Prison Rodeo Passes House

OKLAHOMA CITY – The House on Thursday passed a bill by Rep. Jim Grego, R-Wilburton, that would create a revolving fund to restart the prison rodeo at the Oklahoma State Penitentiary in McAlester. House Bill 3749 would direct the fund to be used for complete revitalization of the prison rodeo grounds in McAlester. The last rodeo was held at the facility in 2009. "For many years, the prison held a rodeo in this facility that was very popular with inmates and their families as well as staff, and it drew visitors from across the nation to Southeast Oklahoma," Grego said. "The rodeo was discontinued due to a lack of funding and deterioration of the grounds, but we have support now to reintroduce this event and reap the economic reward it will bring." Grego said the Department of Corrections has committed to putting $1 million toward the project, and both the City of McAlester and the McAlester Chamber of Commerce are supportive. He said the Oklahoma Department of Tourism has committed to promoting the rodeo once it is again in operation. Grego said many professional cowboys have expressed an interest in holding events at the McAlester prison once the rodeo grounds are restored. He said the Oklahoma Department of Commerce agrees the event will have a positive economic impact on McAlester and surrounding areas of Southeast Oklahoma. This could bring a return on investment to the Department of Corrections and the state and local economy. Currently, Louisiana is the only state that has a behind-the-walls prison rodeo. Grego said the rodeo is seen as a positive event that gives inmates something to look forward to and work toward, improving their outlook and behavior. HB3749 now moves to the Senate. 

Committee Members



Kevin Wallace


District 32

Vice Chair of the House Appropriations and Budget Committee

Trey Caldwell


District 63

Rhonda Baker


District 60

Steve Bashore


District 7

Forrest Bennett


District 92

Meloyde Blancett


District 78

Jeff Boatman


District 67

Brad Boles


District 51

Jon Echols


District 90

Scott Fetgatter


District 16

Ross Ford


District 76

Regina Goodwin


District 73

Toni Hasenbeck


District 65

Brian Hill


District 47

Chris Kannady


District 91

Gerrid Kendrix


District 52

Dell Kerbs


District 26

Mark Lawson


District 30

Mark Lepak


District 9

Dick Lowe


District 56

Ken Luttrell


District 37

Mark McBride


District 53

Marcus McEntire


District 50

Nicole Miller


District 82

Anthony Moore


District 57

Cyndi Munson


District 85

Carl Newton


District 58

Monroe Nichols


District 72

Terry O'Donnell


District 23

Mike Osburn


District 81

John Pfeiffer


District 38

Melissa Provenzano


District 79

Trish Ranson


District 34

Danny Sterling


District 27

Judd Strom


District 10

Mark Vancuren


District 74

Tammy West


District 84

House Staff Assigned

Mark Harter

Chief Counsel

John McPhetridge

Director of Fiscal & Counsel

Audrey Pratt

Staff Attorney II