Humphrey Responds to DAs and Attorney General

OKLAHOMA CITY – Rep. Justin Humphrey, R-Lane, today issued the following response to Oklahoma district attorneys and the Oklahoma attorney general after their replies to his recent request for an examination of the collection of probation fees.
"Recently, I accused Oklahoma district attorneys of illegal collection of supervision fees and of conducting a money laundering scheme. I requested the state attorney general investigate my allegations and take proper action. In response, the district attorneys declared my accusations showed a willful neglect and said I was acting completely beneath the dignity of the Oklahoma House of Representatives.
"The attorney general hastily found that Oklahoma legislators gave the district attorneys the authority to collect supervision fees. The Attorney General is 100% correct in this injudicious opinion. The legislators did give district attorneys the authority to conduct supervision and collect fees. But I sincerely hope the attorney general will agree, the Legislature cannot give district attorneys the authority to violate the law.
"I did not ask the attorney general if District Attorneys have the authority to conduct supervision or collect fees. I asked the attorney general if it is illegal for district attorneys to falsely claim to conduct supervision and then collect a fee without providing any actual service. I provided the attorney general with an appellate court order, which directly instructs district attorneys that the fee must be used for the actual act of supervision. I find it comical that this concept is too difficult for Oklahoma’s top law enforcement to understand.
"I broke this down very clearly in my previous communication to the media and in my request to the attorney general.
"The bottom line is district attorneys are charging a fee for which they do not provide any supervision. In addition, it is my contention that the way this fee is funneled first through their account then to the state General Revenue Fund and then back to them constitutes a money laundering scheme, which in my opinion is substantially corrupt.
"I have devoted my life to improving Oklahoma’s criminal justice system. I have an exciting plan to transform the Oklahoma criminal justice system. But before Oklahoma can move forward with real transformation, we must end the criminal enterprise known as district attorneys' supervision.
"I hope all Oklahomans will agree with me and demand a proper investigation be conducted into what appears to be illegal conduct by many of our state's district attorneys.
"In closing, I must state I find it truly amusing that district attorneys would unlawfully fleece the poorest Oklahomans to illegally fund themselves and then lecture me about dignity."