Rep. Jason Lowe’s Interim Study Will Examine Effectiveness of Court-based Diversion Programs

Aug 14, 2023
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OKLAHOMA CITY – Rep. Jason Lowe, D-Oklahoma City and Senator George Young, D- Oklahoma City will present a joint interim study to examine the effectiveness of different court-based diversion programs. Together they will incorporate information that will look at the effectiveness of court fees associated with trial and conviction.

?"As a legislator and criminal defense attorney, I am a strong believer in rehabilitation over incarceration. ?We need to invest in these diversion programs that help with the rehabilitation process for ?Oklahomans in the court systems,” Rep. Lowe said.

The study will focus on how to support and improve these ?programs, along with their effectiveness with rehabilitating those who have been criminally charged.

“As a former Oklahoma County Drug Court, DUI Court, Veterans Court and Mental Health Court Advocate, I have seen just how important and effective these diversion programs are. I commend Rep. Lowe for suggesting this interim study to take a look at diversion programs and to have discussion as to its value to the community,” Sen. Young said.  

Court diversion programs are programs that provide alternate paths so that prison or fines and fees are not the only option. These programs are just one part of a multistage model of resources aimed at reducing Oklahoma’s incarceration rate.

Court diversion programs may require actions like participating in drug or alcohol treatment programs, mental health and anger management practices, or community service.

Rep. Lowe said he hopes the study will take a deep dive into what makes these programs effective, how to improve the effectiveness and what are the outcomes of the individuals who go through the diversion process.

All interim studies must be completed by Nov. 16.



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