Voluntary Autism Designator for Licenses, IDs Signed by Governor

Legislation providing an optional indicator designating an autism diagnosis on driver's licenses and state IDs has been signed into law.
House Bill 3671 was authored by Rep. Nicole Miller, R-Edmond. The measure would create an optional identifying mark for driver's licenses and state IDs to indicate that the person has autism.
"I've been working on this legislation for almost two years, and I'm so pleased to see it be signed into law," Miller said. "After hearing from many Oklahomans who are autistic or who have autistic loved ones, I've been reassured the optional designator will help them interact with police without fear of being misunderstood. I sincerely hope the signing of House Bill 3671 will provide all Oklahomans with the necessary tools and protections when engaging with law enforcement and first responders."
Miller said Emily Scott, who serves as executive director of the Autism Foundation of Oklahoma, brought her the idea and has partnered with her on the issue every step of the way, including participating in the interim study Miller organized in October.
"Governor Stitt's signing of HB3671 was an exciting day for many autistic self-advocates and their families across the state," Scott said. "His support, along with the many legislators who helped bring this bill to his desk, is the culmination of years of discussions and advocacy efforts. We are grateful for his continued dedication to recognizing the issues Oklahomans with autism and their families face and ensuring that effective policy is enacted to address the unique needs of this community."
HB3671 was carried in the Senate by Sen. Bill Coleman, R-Ponca City.
“House Bill 3671 allows Oklahomans with autism to voluntarily and discreetly add a symbol to their driver’s license that indicates their diagnosis,” Coleman said. “This will help law enforcement officers and first responders communicate more effectively with drivers that may have unique needs while putting both parties at ease. I was proud to partner with Rep. Nicole Miller on this important legislation.”
Miller was recently named Legislator of the Year by the Autism Foundation of Oklahoma for her work on the bill.
"It was a special honor to name Rep. Miller as AFO's Legislator of the Year for her work on HB3671 and dedication to serving Oklahomans with autism and their families," Scott said. "We watched her work diligently with her constituents, Service Oklahoma, law enforcement agencies and other stakeholders to ensure the most successful path forward in passing this bill. Our staff and board of directors remain grateful for her sincerity, work ethic, and curiosity to learn all she could about the safety issues and communication barriers autistic Oklahomans may experience during high-stress situations involving law enforcement."
According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately one in 36 children and one in 46 adults in the U.S. have autism. Oklahomans with autism who are interested in adding the designator to their licenses or state IDs should have the option beginning November 2025.