Governor Signs Strengthen Oklahoma Homes Act

May 14, 2024
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The governor recently signed legislation to provide financial grants to construct or retrofit homes against the destructive forces of tornadoes, windstorms, and hail.

Rep. Mark Tedford, R-Tulsa, authored House Bill 3089, establishing the Strengthen Oklahoma Homes Act within the Department of Insurance. It would make grants available to residential property owners with insurable property who reside in an approved county, meet certain home conditions, and own an owner-occupied, single-family residence.

"Many constituents are seeking solutions to mitigate these rising insurance costs," Tedford said. "While we cannot control the weather, we can proactively protect our homes from its destructive forces. The goal is to help Oklahoma consumers lower their insurance rates and initiate the process of fortifying homes across the state."

HB3089 would establish a grant program to assist homeowners in reinforcing their roofs with impact-resistant materials that meet the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety (IBHS) fortified standards. These funds will enable consumers to construct or retrofit their homes with impact-resistant shingles and other enhancements.

Under the measure, applications are processed on a first-come, first-served basis, with priority given to lower-income applicants and applicants who live in areas more prone to catastrophic weather. The property owner must hire an approved evaluator to prequalify the property, obtain bids from at least three approved contractors, and follow specific retrofitting standards.

The measure will become effective Nov. 1., with the first grants going out in 2025.

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