Rep. Rick West Comments on Governor Signing Protection from WHO Mandates

Jun 06, 2024
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OKLAHOMA CITY – Rep. Rick West, R-Heavener, on Thursday commended the governor for approving legislation that protects Oklahomans from being compelled to follow vaccine, mask or other health mandates imposed by international organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations (UN) or the World Economic Forum (WEF).

West is the House author of Senate Bill 426, which the governor signed into law Wednesday.

"The Biden Administration has proven ready and willing to accept mandates proposed by these non-elected global organizations that would severely limit the personal liberties of all Oklahomans and Americans," West said. "I'm glad the majority of our legislative members stood together and said no to this intrusion."

West said the act became necessary after Biden administration officials expressed support of the creation of a new pandemic treaty to reform International Health Regulations, overseen by the WHO, and potentially enforced by the UN, with sanctions possible by the WEF. He said he had overwhelming constituent support for the measure.

Sen. George Burns is the principal author of the measure.

“I am pleased to see Senate Bill 426 signed into law,” Burns said. “This legislation stands as a testament to our commitment to protecting the rights and liberties of Oklahomans. By prohibiting the enforcement of mandates and recommendations from the World Health Organization, the United Nations, or the World Economic Forum, we ensure that the decisions affecting our residents are made by their elected representatives and local authorities. I am grateful to Governor Stitt for his support and to my colleagues in the Legislature for their dedication to safeguarding our state's sovereignty.”

SB 426 establishes that the WHO, the UN and the WEF have no jurisdiction in this state or its political subdivisions. Neither shall the state or its subdivisions be compelled to engage in the enforcement of, or any collaboration with the enforcement of, any requirements or mandates from these global entities.

The legislation further states that any requirements or mandates issued by the WHO, the UN, or the WEF shall not be used to direct or otherwise impose any requirements, including those for masks, vaccines or medical testing. The measure also prohibits the gathering by these organizations of any public or private information about the state’s citizens or residents.

The act is now effective. 

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