McCall Reflects on Legislative Accomplishments on Final Day as Speaker of the House

OKLAHOMA CITY – House Speaker Charles McCall, R-Atoka, released the following statement expressing his gratitude and reflecting on legislative accomplishments during his eight years as Speaker of the House, and twelve years in the House of Representatives:
“First and foremost, I would like to thank my wife and children for their support these last twelve years. Without them, I would never have been able to effectively serve the citizens of our state. Next, I want to thank the citizens of District 22 for electing me twelve years ago and allowing me to serve them for over a decade. It has been the honor of a lifetime. I would also be remiss if I did not extend a sincere thank you to my fellow House members, and the citizens they represent throughout our great state, for putting their trust in me to lead as Speaker of the House. Finally, I would like to thank the staff of the Oklahoma House of Representatives for their hard work and dedication. Together, we have accomplished meaningful changes for the people of Oklahoma.
We right sized Oklahoma's budget, moving from deficits to billions in surplus. This allowed us to cut taxes, protect core services and invest in the future of our state. We invested more in education over the past eight years than in the previous 27 years combined. We lowered taxes on citizens and businesses, creating an economic environment that attracts new investment and encourages growth. We protected constitutional rights, defended the lives of the unborn and fought back against the Leftist agenda that has swept across our nation over the past four years, which led to Oklahoma being ranked as the second most conservative Legislature in the country. Last, but not least, we created more parental choice in education, allowing parents, and students, to determine their own educational pathway.
Of course, there are countless other accomplishments that could be included in this list, and I truly feel that as my time as Speaker comes to a close, Oklahoma is in a better place than it was twelve years ago. I would like to congratulate my successor in House District 22, Ryan Eaves, and wish him well as he embarks on his own legislative journey. I hope that he feels the joy of service as deeply as I have these past twelve years.
I want to leave you with a quote from President Ronald Reagan who said, 'The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things.' I hope I have been a leader worthy of my station, and I am forever grateful for your faith in me. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of this journey. God bless the Great State of Oklahoma."
Contact: Daniel Seitz, House Leadership Communications Liaison
Phone: (405) 962-7649