Hill Advances Bill Protecting Right to Display American, Oklahoma Flags on Vehicles

Feb 26, 2025
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Rep. Brian Hill, R-Mustang, has advanced legislation ensuring Oklahomans can freely display the American and Oklahoma flags on vehicles and motorcycles without government restriction.

House Bill 1776 prohibits any state or local governmental entity from banning the display of these flags on or within a vehicle or motorcycle while on public property. The bill, named the United States and Oklahoma Flag Display Rights Act of 2025, requires that flags be displayed according to proper standards and prohibits alterations or defacements. Hill said the bill also does not impede the authority of law enforcement to protect the public from any bad actors who may attempt to drive recklessly.

“Our flags represent freedom, unity, and the principles that define our state and nation,” Hill said. “I fundamentally believe that the government should not prohibit the display of American and Oklahoma flags on public property. This legislation guarantees that Oklahomans can proudly display these flags without unnecessary government interference, as protected by our valued First Amendment rights. It’s a small but significant step in protecting our citizens’ rights and honoring the values we hold dear.”

HB1776 passed the House General Government Committee 6-1 and now moves to the House Government Oversight Committee for consideration.

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