Ford Education Bills Now Eligible for Floor Consideration

Feb 27, 2025
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OKLAHOMA CITY – Rep. Ross Ford, R-Broken Arrow, this week secured unanimous passage of two bills in final House committees making them eligible for consideration on the House floor.

House Bill 2696 would require schools to release student records to the student's parents or guardians, or if requested, to the students themselves if they are 18 years old or older. It would require the release in a timely manner and free of charge. The bill passed in the Education Oversight Committee on Wednesday.

"Several parents throughout the state brought this matter to my attention," Ford said. "They said they were having trouble getting information about their own children because of how school administrators are interpreting existing state statute. In one case, parents were asked to pay an exorbitant fee to obtain the information. This would clarify the matter.

"Parents have the right to know what records a school district has collected or maintained on their children."

Records included under the measure are personal communications related to the students' Individualized Education Program, behaviors that result in a disciplinary action, official school activities, including student-teacher meetings, and others.

House Bill 2702 passed the House Appropriations & Budget Committee. The measure would require current and new directors and assistant directors of districtwide school special education programs to complete a 150-hour training course on the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) within one year of starting the job if they do not currently hold a valid special education teaching certificate.

"This just increases the amount of training our special education directors and assistant directors receive as they deal with children with extra needs," Ford said.




Ross Ford, a Republican, represents House District 76 in the Oklahoma House of Representatives. His district includes part of Tulsa County. 

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