Surplus OHP Vehicle Donation Bill Clears Oversight Committee

OKLAHOMA CITY – A bill that would allow the Oklahoma Highway Patrol (OHP) to donate surplus vehicles to rural law enforcement agencies passed the House Government Oversight Committee today with unanimous support.
House Bill 2724, Co-authored by Rep. Mark Chapman, R-Broken Arrow, and by Rep. Ross Ford, R-Broken Arrow, amends the Oklahoma Surplus Property Act to permit the donation of OHP vehicles that have surpassed 90,000 miles to law enforcement agencies in counties with populations under 100,000. This measure would provide rural law enforcement with reliable, cost-effective vehicles, helping to equip officers with the tools they need to carry out their duties.
Under current law, surplus OHP vehicles are often sold or decommissioned once they reach high mileage, but HB2724 ensures that these vehicles are put to use in communities where resources may be limited. The bill emphasizes the continued use of these vehicles for valid law enforcement purposes, contributing to the safety and effectiveness of law enforcement agencies in smaller, rural communities across the state.
“This bill helps rural law enforcement agencies that often struggle to secure adequate resources,” Chapman said. “By allowing surplus OHP vehicles to be donated instead of sold or decommissioned, we are providing officers in smaller communities with better equipment to serve and protect Oklahomans.”
HB2724 now moves to the House floor for further consideration. If signed into law, the measure would take effect Nov. 1, 2025.