House Passes Dylan's Law to Enhance Support for Epilepsy Patients

A bill designed to better support individuals living with epilepsy has successfully passed the Oklahoma House of Representatives.
House Bill 2013, known as Dylan's Law, is named in honor of Dylan Whitten, who tragically passed away in 2017 at the age of 25 due to sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP). SUDEP is a fatal complication of epilepsy, referring to the sudden death of a person with epilepsy where no other cause is found.
Rep. Daniel Pae, R-Lawton, authored Dylan's Law, which he is working on with Dylan's sister, Hannah Whitten. The bill would require the State Commissioner of Health to provide epilepsy education for medical professionals to help them identify patients at risk for SUDEP. The Chief Medical Examiner’s office would also train staff to recognize SUDEP.
"Dylan's Law is a crucial step in providing people with epilepsy the support they need," said Pae. "By ensuring medical professionals are properly educated about the risks associated with epilepsy, including the dangers of SUDEP, we can significantly improve the way individuals with epilepsy are treated and help prevent future tragedies."
If HB2013 is signed into law, the Division of Health Care Information would be required to create a program to raise awareness of SUDEP risks among people with epilepsy. Additionally, autopsies of individuals with epilepsy would include an investigation into whether SUDEP caused their death, with the findings reported on the death certificate and to the North American SUDEP Registry.
Starting June 1, 2026, people with epilepsy could voluntarily add a symbol to their state-issued driver’s license or ID card to help law enforcement and emergency responders identify them. The symbol could also be added to the Oklahoma Law Enforcement Telecommunications System, and individuals could remove it at any time.
HB2013 passed the House 59-30 and now moves to the Senate for further consideration.