Speaker Pro Tempore Kyle Hilbert

Hi, I’m Kyle Hilbert and I represent the people of Oklahoma’s 29th District.



Speaker Pro Tempore

59th Legislature

Speaker Pro Tempore

58th Legislature

News & Announcements

Aug 27, 2024
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Tillman County Breaks Ground on Critical Access Hospital

Rep. Trey Caldwell, R-Lawton, today celebrated the groundbreaking of a new hospital, Memorial Health of Tillman County Critical Access Hospital, in Frederick, Oklahoma.  In 2016, Memorial Hospital and Physician Group in Frederick discontinued patient care and ER services. Since its closure, residents have driven between 30 minutes to an hour to receive hospital-level care.  "When I took office in 2018, I knew bringing a hospital back to this area was a top priority of mine," Caldwell said. "Southwest Oklahoma has voiced how important this is, and I've done everything in my power to make it happen. Now, six years later, we're closer than ever to returning a hospital to Tillman County, and I couldn't be more proud."  To support the construction of Memorial Health of Tillman County Critical Access Hospital, the Legislature appropriated funds through Senate Bill 20XX in 2022. The measure tasked the Rural Hospital Rebuild grant program with distributing American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to medical facilities in disproportionately impacted populations.  Speaker Pro Tempore Kyle Hilbert, R-Bristow, led the charge to implement a transparent application process to distribute ARPA funds to targeted projects across the state.  "For too long, rural hospitals have been left to wither on the vine," Hilbert said. "Thanks to Rep. Trey Caldwell’s leadership, we injected $25 million into rural communities to restore their access to healthcare. Lives are going to be saved thanks to this funding, and I’m particularly thrilled to join him in Frederick for the groundbreaking of the new hospital that spurred this investment across the state." Additional funding included Congressman Tom Cole securing about $6 million in direct congressional appropriations, $1.8 million from the Oklahoma Department of Commerce's Public-Private Partnership (P3) program, and loans from U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) programs.  The hospital will have five emergency treatment rooms, 10 inpatient beds, physical therapy, radiology, laboratory and space for additional support services. Memorial Health of Tillman County will serve people in Tillman County and nearby residents of Comanche, Jackson, Kiowa and Cotton counties, totaling around 15,000 people.  "This is the first time in fifty years that a hospital has been rebuilt after closure, except for one instance in Kansas following a tornado," Caldwell said. "This is a turning point for rural Oklahoma, and I hope it shows other communities that a lot of good can happen when people work together."  Caldwell thanked Congressman Tom Cole; Brent Smith, CEO of Comanche County Memorial Hospital; Ryan Ade, a medical practitioner and Chairman of the Tillman County Trust Authority; former Oklahoma House Speaker Loyd Benson; Kenneth Corn, Oklahoma's USDA State Director for Rural Development; and numerous others who have played an instrumental role in making the groundbreaking possible. 

Jul 15, 2024
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Hilbert Comments on Selection of Paxton as Senate Leader

Oklahoma House Speaker-Designate Kyle Hilbert, R-Bristow, today commented on the selection of Sen. Lonnie Paxton, R-Tuttle, by the Senate Majority Caucus to serve as President Pro Tempore-Designate for the 60th Legislature. “I want to congratulate my friend Sen. Lonnie Paxton on the selection by his colleagues to serve as President Pro Tempore-Designate. I appreciate his willingness to step up and look forward to working with him and Governor Stitt to continue Oklahoma’s conservative momentum.”

Jun 14, 2024
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One-Time Appropriation Gives FFA Leadership Camp a New Lease

Legislation funding much-needed renovations of the Oklahoma FFA Alumni Leadership Camp, located near Wagoner, has been signed into law. House Bill 2927 grants a one-time $9.5 million appropriation to improve housing options at the camp and purchase maintenance equipment for the buildings and grounds. The alumni camp, which began 52 years ago, has been held at the Wagoner location for over four decades. Six other Oklahoma CareerTech student organizations utilize the property as well, but deteriorating conditions recently forced FFA to relocate its leadership event. House Speaker Pro Tempore Kyle Hilbert, R-Bristow, is an FFA alum and former FFA camp student director who coauthored HB2927. He said the campground is synonymous with the alumni camp experience. "This camp has been a part of the FFA experience for decades, but previously the children and grandchildren of alumni who grew up hearing about this site had no choice but to relocate," Hilbert said. "These repairs couldn't have come at a better time. Protecting that history is important, and I'm thankful this one-time appropriation will help preserve that legacy for many more generations." Jacey Fye, executive director of the Oklahoma FFA Foundation, thanked legislators for their support. “This will make a positive impact on Oklahoma FFA members for generations to come,” Fye said. Oklahoma FFA Alumni Council Secretary Jarrod Johnson is a former camper who can attest to the value of the FFA leadership experience. “Without this appropriation,” Johnson said. “A permanent home for our camp and other events would only be a dream. Rep. Hilbert made it a reality.” Shawnee business owner Randy Gilbert serves on the board of directors and is past president of the Oklahoma FFA Foundation. He, too, is excited to see the camp renovated. “The opportunities that mold our Oklahoma FFA students will continue to make them the best leaders in our state,” said Gilbert, who is also an FFA alum. “We appreciate the long relationship we have with the Oklahoma FFA Association." Oklahoma FFA Alumni Advisor Kurt Murray, who has overseen the Alumni Camp for more than 20 years, said, “I’m excited about going back. The camp will be open to FFA members from all 366 chapters in all 77 Oklahoma counties.” Murray expects it will also be used by other agricultural youth organizations, other CTSOs, church camps, corporate retreats, family reunions, and hobby or special interest groups. The $9.5 million appropriation will be administered by the Oklahoma Department of Ag, Food and Forestry. After the renovation is complete, the campground will be owned and managed by Alumni Leadership Camp, LLC, a non-profit group wholly owned by Oklahoma FFA Alumni. The camp will operate from revenues generated through rentals and usage by public and private groups, including FFA.