Speaker Pro Tempore Anthony Moore

Hi, I'm Anthony Moore and I represent the people of Oklahoma's 57th District.



Speaker Pro Tempore

60th Legislature

News & Announcements

Mar 6, 2025
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Governor, House Speaker and Senate President Pro Tem Push For Change to State Board of Education Operations

House  Speaker  Kyle Hilbert, with  the  support  of  Senate President Pro Tem Lonnie Paxton and Governor Kevin Stitt, filed an amendment to legislation that would allow two members  of   the  State Board  of  Education to place items on  the  board agenda. House Bill 1491 allows any member  of   the  State Board  of  Education to place an item on  the  board agenda if requested in writing by at least two members  of   the  board.  The  item shall be placed on  the  agenda for  the  next meeting or a subsequent meeting, as decided by  the  requesting members, in accordance with  the  Oklahoma Open Meeting Act. "We have volunteer boards and commissions that play an important oversight function for state agencies for a reason, and  the  duly-appointed members  of   the  State Board  of  Education should have a say in  the  agenda before  the m. This has been a longstanding issue that needs to be fixed," said  Speaker  Hilbert, R-Bristow. "We have checks and balances on government intentionally built into our system and this legislation will help ensure  the  State Board  of  Education – no matter who is appointed or who is  the  chair – will be able to move  the  needle for Oklahoma kids." " The  State Board  of  Education plays a crucial role in shaping  the  future  of  our schools, and its members should have a clear and fair process for addressing key issues,” Pro Tem Paxton, R-Tuttle, said. “This legislation ensures that every board member has a voice in setting  the  agenda, reinforcing transparency and accountability in our education system. With  the  current structure,  the  board is neutralized and has no say in shaping policy. Allowing this will provide a fair and more effective structure.” “No one member should unilaterally control a board, especially one that directly impacts  the  outcomes  of  our students," said Gov. Kevin Stitt. "It’s time to give a voice on  the  Board  of  Education to parents and students all across Oklahoma. Thank you to  Speaker  Hilbert and Pro Tem Paxton for spearheading this important legislation.” House Bill 1491, originally authored by Rep. Ronny Johns, R-Ada, will be heard in  the  House Education Oversight Committee today. -END-

Mar 6, 2025
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House Approves Moore Bill Expanding Oklahoma's Promise to Children of Teachers

OKLAHOMA CITY – The Oklahoma House of Representatives has approved a measure by Speaker Pro Tempore Anthony Moore, R-Clinton, that would give the children of longtime public school teachers access to the Oklahoma's Promise scholarship. House Bill 1727 would waive the scholarship's financial eligibility requirements for children of a full-time certified teacher who has taught for at least 10 years in Oklahoma public schools. The years do not have to be consecutive or at the same school. The Oklahoma Higher Learning Access Program (OHLAP), better known as Oklahoma's Promise, allows students with certain income, academic and conduct requirements to earn a college or technology tuition scholarship. The program, administered by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, was created in 1992 by the Legislature to help more Oklahoma families send their children to college. "Our talented educators dedicate their lives to shaping the future of our state, and House Bill 1727 is one way we can show them that we value their work," Moore said. "By removing financial barriers to higher education for the families of longtime teachers, we are giving their children every opportunity to succeed and investing in the next generation of leaders for our state." Moore hopes that the measure will help address the teacher shortage. He said that children of educators are more likely to follow in their parents' footsteps, and he hopes that making them eligible for Oklahoma's Promise will inspire them to stay in Oklahoma for college and launch their teaching careers in their home state. "We've worked hard over the past decade to improve working conditions for Oklahoma teachers, increasing pay and health benefits, including paid maternity leave, while working to improve classroom conditions," said Speaker Kyle Hilbert, R-Bristow. "Removing income restrictions so their children can qualify for the Oklahoma's Promise scholarship is just one more incentive to keep certified teachers in our classrooms long-term where their expertise and dedication is needed and appreciated." Having passed the House 71-20, HB1727 now moves to the Senate, where it is authored by Sen. Adam Pugh, R-Edmond.

Feb 26, 2025
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Bill to Expand Oklahoma's Promise to Children of Teachers Passes Committee

OKLAHOMA CITY – House Speaker Pro Tempore Anthony Moore, R-Clinton, on Tuesday secured unanimous committee passage of a bill that would waive financial eligibility requirements for children of longtime public school teachers applying for the Oklahoma Promise Scholarship.  House Bill 1727 passed the House Appropriations & Budget Committee. The bill specifies the student's parent must be a full-time certified teacher who has taught for at least 10 years in Oklahoma public schools. The years do not have to be consecutive or in the same school. "This bill has so many positives," Moore told his fellow committee members. "It would incentivize those teachers who are not yet fully certified to get certified. It would increase retention of longtime certified teachers in our public school classrooms where their dedication and expertise is so desperately needed. "We also know that students of educators teach at a higher rate than other students. This would keep them in Oklahoma for college, making it more likely they will stay here to live, work and raise a family." The Oklahoma Higher Learning Access Program (OHLAP), better known as Oklahoma's Promise, allows students who meet certain income, academic and conduct requirements to earn a college or technology tuition scholarship. It was created in 1992 by the Legislature to help more Oklahoma families send their children to college. The program is administered by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education. Moore said he hopes this measure would help address a teacher shortage, which is not just in Oklahoma but nationwide. And it's hoped it would cut down on the need for the record high number of alternative emergency certified teachers who now fill Oklahoma classrooms. "I'm grateful to all who are willing to step in to teach in our schools, particularly in rural areas where its often hard to find enough traditionally certified teachers," Moore said. "But study after study shows us that the No. 1 factor to a student's success in the classroom is a qualified teacher – one who has been trained in classroom management and has specific subject-matter expertise." House Bill 1727 passed 31-0 in the House Appropriations & Budget Committee and now is eligible for consideration on the House floor.