Representative Annie Menz

Hello, I’m Annie Menz and I’m proudly representing the people of Oklahoma’s 45th District.


News & Announcements

Jan 16, 2025

Menz introduces bills regarding Oklahoma Turnpikes

OKLAHOMA CITY – House Rep. Annie Menz, D-Norman, introduced two bills pertaining to Oklahoma toll roads.  “As Oklahomans, we have a Legislature of Representatives and Senators designed to best express and meet our concerns and needs. We work hard to maintain close relationships with our constituents and my constituents have been abundantly clear with me about their concerns and needs when it comes to turnpikes.” Menz said. “Oklahomans should not be kept out of the loop when Oklahoma Turnpike Authority wants to raise their tolls. Additionally, folks should be allowed to know the financial standing of something they are paying into. I believe that with my proposed legislation creating a bond debt ceiling for Oklahoma Turnpike Authority, and requiring legislative approval for toll increases, we would ensure Oklahoma taxpayers and turnpike users the kind of transparency that they deserve. Oklahomans should have a say in their toll increases and where their money is going, and these bills are a great start.”  HB 2097:  Requires legislative approval before turnpike toll increases. HB 2093:  Establishes a bond debt ceiling for Oklahoma Turnpike Authority. -END-

May 1, 2024
Recent Posts

Landowners Right of First Refusal Bill Signed into Law

OKLAHOMA CITY – The Landowner’s Bill of Rights, or HB 3159, was signed into law. The bill gives landowners the right of first refusal if the land is ever sold by the state or anyone who received the land through the use of eminent domain authority.  Rep. Eric Roberts, R-Oklahoma City, and Rep. Annie Menz, D-Norman, were the bill’s House authors. “This bill is a big win for the people of East Norman,” Menz said. “I was proud to collaborate across the aisle to get this done for the people of Oklahoma. Government should be a place where everybody is included, and nobody gets left behind.” Roberts extends his appreciation to the Legislature for their support, to Senator Todd Gollihare, R-Kellyville, for carrying the measure in the Senate, and to Menz, for her collaboration on the bill.  “If the state acquires land via eminent domain from a landowner and subsequently decides to sell it publicly, it's only fair that the original landowner has the right to repurchase the land before it is offered to anyone else," Roberts said. "Eminent domain shouldn't be used to transfer land from one private party to another.”

Aug 29, 2023
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House Democrats Call on Speaker of the House to Form Special Bipartisan Committee to Investigate State Superintendent

OKLAHOMA CITY – Today, House Democrats called on the Speaker of the House to form a special bipartisan committee to investigate possible impeachment charges for State Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters amid recent bomb threats at Tulsa area elementary schools believed to be linked to Walters' rhetoric about Tulsa Public Schools. “Oklahomans deserve a public school system where parents, students and teachers feel safe to go to school and the needs of our students are prioritized over dangerous political rhetoric,” said House Democratic Caucus Chair Trish Ranson, D-Stillwater. House Democratic Leader Cyndi Munson, D-Oklahoma City said the special bipartisan committee would investigate the current state superintendent to determine if his actions rise to the level of impeachment. “Allocating funds for public education should be free of corruption or political gain. There is already evidence of Walters’ corruption through misspent federal dollars along with discrepancies in his campaign finances. Paired with his toxic rhetoric that is impacting the safety of our schools, we believe it is more than enough to, at the very least, investigate him,” Leader Munson said. Rep. Provenzano mentioned that the rhetoric from the state superintendent has been harmful and potentially compromised the safety of school children. She also believes he is willfully neglecting his duty of office. “The rhetoric from the state superintendent has, up until now, been designed to distract and ?sow chaos. But now, elementary schools in the Tulsa area have received bomb threats as a ?result of disinformation shared by him. Our children deserve to be safe. The willful neglect of ?that duty, even in the highest offices in our state, cannot and will not be ?overlooked. Enough is enough,” Rep. Provenzano added. Leader Munson said, "We share in the growing frustration of Oklahomans across our state who want action to address their deep concerns for the future of public education. It is now time for action." -END-