Representative Jim Olsen

Hi, I'm Jim Olsen and I represent the people of Oklahoma's 2nd District.


News & Announcements

Dec 18, 2024
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Oklahoma Freedom Caucus Celebrates Stopping of Land Grab by Feds

The Oklahoma Freedom Caucus (OKFC) celebrates the groundswell of grassroots opposition to the federal takeover of Oklahoma lands for a transmission line. "We've seen growing concern of infringements by the feds under this Biden-Harris regime," said Rep. Jim Olsen, R-Roland, who serves as OKFC vice chair. "In this latest move, they planned on confiscating hundreds of miles of Oklahoma land on Biden's orders for their Green Deal scam. We've heard from grassroots constituents across the state adamantly opposed to this. Due to their strong vocal opposition, this egregious plan was stopped. We're thankful Speaker-elect Hilbert was directly involved and has echoed that this federal land-grab will not be moving forward." The proposed Delta-Plains corridor would have crossed Oklahoma from the panhandle to Arkansas. The federal government would have used eminent domain to confiscate property in Oklahoma to build the transmission line. "We've seen communities have over 1,000 people rallying in opposition to this project and show up to voice their concerns," said Sen. Shane Jett, R-Shawnee, who serves as OKFC chair. "Thankfully the voice of the people was heard. We commend all the state senators and state representatives who stood up for the freedoms of their constituents to stop this corridor cutting through Oklahoma. Governor Stitt and Speaker-Elect Hilbert deserve special recognition for their efforts, and we look forward to continuing working with them and with all Oklahomans who desire to advance freedom in this state. This is just a first step as the grassroots and legislators must continue to work together to stop this plan and any further attempts to take land from Oklahomans."

Dec 4, 2024
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Oklahoma Freedom Caucus Issues Statement Regarding Recent Proposed Partnership With Denmark

The Oklahoma Freedom Caucus today issued the following statements regarding the announced proposed partnership between Oklahoma and Denmark. "God has blessed Oklahoma with rich abundant petroleum resources," said Sen. Shane Jett, R-Shawnee, who chairs the Oklahoma Freedom Caucus. "Oklahoma's oil and gas is all-natural, locally-sourced and we must reject the unscientific climate change cult ideology that has spread like a cancer through so many industries, states and nations. The battle against Oklahoma's God-given natural resources is an assault on common sense, logic, reason and actually science-based evidence. The Oklahoma Freedom Caucus supports free enterprise and partnering with allies, but we caution against interfering with free market principles by directing tax dollars to private companies and creating an unfair market place with subsidies." Oklahoma and Denmark share similarities, such as oil and gas being a primary industry and a strong Christian heritage. "Oklahoma is an energy-rich state," said Rep. Jim Olsen, R-Roland, who serves as the House vice chair. "And we believe the majority of Oklahomans don't want the government pushing any aspect of the Democrat's green new deal scams. We should let the free market work and focused on Oklahoma companies." The proposed partnership between Oklahoma and Denmark uses terminology such as "clean energy," "green energy" and "carbon capture." "Our concern is in the specific details of this proposed partnership," said Sen. Dusty Deevers, R-Elgin, who serves as the Senate vice chair. "While we can appreciate Denmark and the opportunities for this proposed partnership, we must put Oklahoma first and foremost. It seems there are too many concerns under this current proposal for us to offer our support."

Oct 21, 2024
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Olsen Comments on Corporal Punishment Interim Study

Rep. Jim Olsen, R-Roland, held an interim study Monday, Oct. 21, to discuss the effectiveness of properly administered corporal punishment.  Olsen stated that he does not intend to run any particular bill related to this issue.  "I have no intention to require parents to do this, or even for schools to be required to implement corporal punishment," he said. "What I do object to is the desire of some people to totally prohibit it for all schools and in all situations, no matter how extreme."  Olsen also said the "so-called science" attempting to condemn corporal punishment is very weak.  "There seem to be significant problems with the methodology of studies that advocate for total prohibition of corporal punishment," Olsen said. "They do not control for the variables. They confuse correlation with causality. They don't separate outliers of extreme abuse that don't even come close to properly administered corporal punishment. They often don't compare spanking with other disciplinary measures. So, generally speaking, much of the science is questionable at best."  Olsen also responded to people who attempt to affirm that corporal punishment is condemned by the Bible.  "We can't play fast and loose with the clear text of the Bible," Olsen said, adding, "Read Proverbs 19:18. Read Hebrews 12:11. The words of the King James Bible are very clear. If we will honor the clear statements that God tells us in the Bible, things will go better for us."  He reiterated his intention for holding Monday's interim study.  "I have no intention of trying to require parents or schools to use corporal punishment. That is their decision. What I absolutely oppose is all of us caving in to ill-informed zealots that want to prevent all schools everywhere from ever using any corporal punishment. It has worked well for generations, and centuries, and it still needs to be an option today."