Representative Justin Humphrey

Hi, I'm Justin Humphrey and I represent the people of Oklahoma's 19th District.


News & Announcements

Mar 6, 2025
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Humphrey Requests Trump's Help in Local ATF Actions

OKLAHOMA CITY – Rep. Justin Humphrey, R-Lane, on Wednesday sent a letter to President Donald Trump asking his help in stemming the overreach of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). The request came because of Humphrey's involvement in an Oklahoma case involving a 2023 ATF raid on a Pushmataha County resident and business owner that resulted in the forfeiture of the man's federal firearms license and what Humphrey said was the seizure of approximately 60 of the man's firearms. "The president and members of his cabinet have expressed considerable concerns about government overreach by the ATF," Humphrey said. "Therefore, I'm asking his assistance in looking into this local case, which I believe constitutes a gross misuse and abuse of the ATF's federal police powers." The raid involved Russell Fincher, a resident of Southeastern Oklahoma. Fincher, at the time of the raid, owned a firearms business and was a local preacher and schoolteacher. Humphrey said in 2023, Fincher allowed ATF agents to enter his home and conduct a consent search. "Despite his full cooperation, they conducted a full-scale raid," Humphrey alleges. "They handcuffed this man in front of his teenage son and despite finding no evidence of a crime, they illegally seized about half of the guns he owns after disabling his home surveillance equipment." It was reported by Fincher that the ATF agents told him to tell all his buddies they were coming for their guns as well, and they had plans to shut down gun shows. After the raid, Humphrey submitted a probable cause statement on the ATF and requested Oklahoma's attorney general file charges for extortion, terroristic threats and disabling security equipment during the course of a crime. Humphrey also reached out to the sheriff of Pushmataha County who worked with him to contact the governor and other judicial and law enforcement agencies asking for an investigation into the actions of the ATF. Humphrey, the vice chair of the House Public Safety Committee and a 30-year law enforcement officer, wrote in the letter that the state's attorney general lacked the courage to protect his citizens. Therefore, Humphrey is asking the president to consider filing charges against the ATF, granting a presidential pardon to Fincher and forcing the ATF to return Fincher's firearms. "This is one of the most unjust and illegal abuses of law enforcement," Humphrey said. "I stand ready to assist the president in anything he might need from Oklahoma." A copy of the full letter can be read here . 

Feb 25, 2025
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Humphrey Praises Supreme Court's Glossip Ruling

OKLAHOMA CITY – Rep. Justin Humphrey, R-Lane, today commented on the U.S. Supreme Court's decision to grant death row inmate Richard Glossip a new trial. "I and all the others fighting for justice for Richard Glossip are proud of the Supreme Court's ruling," Humphrey said. "I believe the Richard Glossip case being remanded back to trial speaks volumes to our Oklahoma Court system. "This case encompasses many, many problems in our court system, beginning with prosecutorial abuse and criminal misconduct. In addition, we need to be asking how it is possible that our appellate court system, the state's Pardon and Parole Board and the governor all failed to consider the overwhelming evidence of this case that should have kept them from condemning Richard to death. The Supreme Court's decision makes it clear that Oklahoma needs to look at our entire criminal justice system and take appropriate action to correct the numerous injustices that currently exist. This is not a time to stick out our chest and brag, but it is a time that we should humbly review how it is possible for this to have happened in the first place."

Feb 5, 2025
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Humphrey Passes Surprise Prison Visit Measure in Committee

OKLAHOMA CITY – Rep. Justin Humphrey, R-Lane, today passed a bill in committee that would allow elected officials to enter a prison on an unannounced visit. House Bill 1240 passed the House Public Safety Committee, of which Humphrey is vice chair. it now is eligible to be heard in the Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety Oversight, of which he is a member. "We're not attempting to visit during a riot or anything like that," Humphrey explained. "But when we as elected officials hear something, this would allow us to go out and confirm that." Humphrey said oftentimes when elected officials visit a prison, the warden and other staff prepare for the visit ahead of time. "They have a runner out in front of you and make sure nothing is seen that they don't want seen," Humphrey said. "That's standard practice in prison. They wax the floor when they know you're coming. You get the golden tour. It's not the real tour. You don't get to see reality. This would just let us see prisons in their daily form and see what's really going on." An amendment was proposed on the bill that would move the Office of Inspector General from reporting directly to the director of the Department of Corrections (DOC) to instead reporting to the Board of Corrections. That way when complaints from constituents come to legislators, they will have better assurance of an unbiased investigation. Humphrey was in favor of the amendment but said because of its complexity the proper time to adopt it would be when the bill comes to the oversight committee. He asked committee members to move the bill forward as is with the promise he would amend it before the next committee hearing. The bill passed unanimously. Humphrey has said for years that he's received numerous reports from prisoners, their families and correctional officers themselves that state prisons are rife with murders, stabbings, rapes, hangings, overdoses, beatings and bloodshed. He said DOC is short-staffed, and he's been told by officers that those who say anything are fired. He said this bill is his best attempt to investigate the truth of these claims and to stop such actions.