Representative Mark Tedford

Hi, I’m Mark Tedford and I represent the people of Oklahoma’s 69th District.


News & Announcements

May 14, 2024
Recent Posts

Governor Signs Strengthen Oklahoma Homes Act

The governor recently signed legislation to provide financial grants to construct or retrofit homes against the destructive forces of tornadoes, windstorms, and hail. Rep. Mark Tedford, R-Tulsa, authored House Bill 3089, establishing the Strengthen Oklahoma Homes Act within the Department of Insurance. It would make grants available to residential property owners with insurable property who reside in an approved county, meet certain home conditions, and own an owner-occupied, single-family residence. "Many constituents are seeking solutions to mitigate these rising insurance costs," Tedford said. "While we cannot control the weather, we can proactively protect our homes from its destructive forces. The goal is to help Oklahoma consumers lower their insurance rates and initiate the process of fortifying homes across the state." HB3089 would establish a grant program to assist homeowners in reinforcing their roofs with impact-resistant materials that meet the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety (IBHS) fortified standards. These funds will enable consumers to construct or retrofit their homes with impact-resistant shingles and other enhancements. Under the measure, applications are processed on a first-come, first-served basis, with priority given to lower-income applicants and applicants who live in areas more prone to catastrophic weather. The property owner must hire an approved evaluator to prequalify the property, obtain bids from at least three approved contractors, and follow specific retrofitting standards. The measure will become effective Nov. 1., with the first grants going out in 2025.

May 1, 2024
Recent Posts

Governor Approves Mutual Insurer Transformation and Holding Companies Legislation

The Governor has recently signed a measure allowing mutual insurers in the state to reorganize into converted stock insurers and establish mutual holding companies. Rep. Mark Tedford, R-Tulsa, authored House Bill 3090, which will streamline the transitioning of mutual insurance structures, fostering a more flexible and competitive insurance market. "This legislation represents a forward-looking approach to enhancing the structure and operations of mutual insurers," Tedford said. "It lays out a clear roadmap for modernization while preserving existing policies and members' interests." Under the measure, the conversion plan requires approval from the Insurance Commissioner and eligible members of the converting mutual insurer, with a decision by the commissioner expected within 60 days of submission. HB3090 also establishes guidelines for mutual holding companies, setting forth the required content of the conversion plan, review criteria, and regulatory frameworks. "Similar legislation is already in effect in 35 states," Tedford said. "This move will aid existing mutual insurers in their growth and competitiveness, enabling the state to attract more domiciled carriers." HB3090 will go into effect on Nov. 1.

Mar 13, 2024
Recent Posts

Strengthen Oklahoma Homes Act Passes House

The Oklahoma House of Representatives passed a bill on Tuesday to provide financial grants to construct or retrofit homes against the destructive forces of tornadoes, windstorms, and hail. Rep. Mark Tedford, R-Tulsa, authored House Bill 3089, which would establish the Strengthen Oklahoma Homes Act within the Department of Insurance. It would make grants available to residential property owners with insurable property who reside in an approved county, meet certain home conditions, and own an owner-occupied, single-family residence. "This legislation will not immediately impact premiums," Tedford said. "States that have encouraged using weather-resistant materials have observed stabilizing their property market and reducing homeowners' rates. As a result, I am enthusiastic about the aid this program will provide to homeowners in Oklahoma." HB3089 would establish a grant program to assist homeowners in reinforcing their roofs with impact-resistant materials that meet the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety (IBHS) fortified standards. These funds will enable consumers to construct or retrofit their homes with impact-resistant shingles and other enhancements. Under the measure, applications are processed on a first-come, first-served basis, with priority given to lower-income applicants and applicants who live in areas more prone to catastrophic weather. The property owner must hire an approved evaluator to prequalify the property, obtain bids from at least three approved contractors, and follow specific retrofitting standards. HB3089 passed the floor 88 – 4 and is now available to be heard in the Senate, where Sen. Pemberton, R-Muskogee, authors it.