Representative Suzanne Schreiber

Hi, I’m Suzanne Schreiber and I represent the people of Oklahoma’s 70th District.


News & Announcements

May 21, 2024
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Legislators Work Together to Get Medical Debt and Price Transparency Bill Across Finish Line

OKLAHOMA CITY – House Bill 4148 authored by Rep. Suzanne Schreiber, D-Tulsa, Rep. Mark Lepak, R-Claremore, and Sen. Julie Daniels, R-Oklahoma City, was recently signed into law by Governor Kevin Stitt. The new law ensures patients know the cost of common medical procedures and aren’t saddled with debt because they were unaware of what that procedure would cost. Nearly one in four Oklahomans carry the burden of medical debt and it is the cause of at least 25% of bankruptcies in the state. This bill requires compliance with federal and state law requiring price transparency in common medical procedures and services. While some providers already do share cash pricing, many are lagging behind. With this bill, providers who are not compliant with price transparency laws will not be able to obtain a judgment for that medical debt.  “I am hopeful that by strengthening our price transparency laws we can reduce the number of Oklahomans with medical debt. When seeking medical care for yourself or a loved one, you should be able to easily know the cost of the care so that you can make informed decisions just like we do with any other service,” Schreiber said.  Patients' Rights Advocate Founder Cynthia Fisher said "We applaud Governor Stitt, Representative Schreiber and the entire Oklahoma Legislature on this great achievement that will benefit all healthcare consumers in Oklahoma. It will help protect patients, families and employers from overcharges and ensure that Oklahomans have the functional, competitive healthcare marketplace they deserve."  “I am thrilled to have this policy in place to help Oklahomans with the real problems they face in everyday life. I am grateful to my colleagues Rep. Lepak and Sen. Daniels for helping get this done – it was truly a team effort. I know they join me in applauding Governor Stitt for signing the measure into law,” Schreiber said. 

Aug 29, 2023
Recent Posts

House Democrats Call on Speaker of the House to Form Special Bipartisan Committee to Investigate State Superintendent

OKLAHOMA CITY – Today, House Democrats called on the Speaker of the House to form a special bipartisan committee to investigate possible impeachment charges for State Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters amid recent bomb threats at Tulsa area elementary schools believed to be linked to Walters' rhetoric about Tulsa Public Schools. “Oklahomans deserve a public school system where parents, students and teachers feel safe to go to school and the needs of our students are prioritized over dangerous political rhetoric,” said House Democratic Caucus Chair Trish Ranson, D-Stillwater. House Democratic Leader Cyndi Munson, D-Oklahoma City said the special bipartisan committee would investigate the current state superintendent to determine if his actions rise to the level of impeachment. “Allocating funds for public education should be free of corruption or political gain. There is already evidence of Walters’ corruption through misspent federal dollars along with discrepancies in his campaign finances. Paired with his toxic rhetoric that is impacting the safety of our schools, we believe it is more than enough to, at the very least, investigate him,” Leader Munson said. Rep. Provenzano mentioned that the rhetoric from the state superintendent has been harmful and potentially compromised the safety of school children. She also believes he is willfully neglecting his duty of office. “The rhetoric from the state superintendent has, up until now, been designed to distract and ?sow chaos. But now, elementary schools in the Tulsa area have received bomb threats as a ?result of disinformation shared by him. Our children deserve to be safe. The willful neglect of ?that duty, even in the highest offices in our state, cannot and will not be ?overlooked. Enough is enough,” Rep. Provenzano added. Leader Munson said, "We share in the growing frustration of Oklahomans across our state who want action to address their deep concerns for the future of public education. It is now time for action." -END-

May 4, 2023

Measure Aimed at Cutting Red Tape for Small Business Strengthens Child Care Access For Oklahoma Families Signed into Law

OKLAHOMA CITY – A bill by freshman Tulsa State Representative Suzanne Schreiber, aimed at cutting red tape for family home childcare and thereby easing the burden Oklahoma families face accessing child care in order to stay in the workforce. The measure was signed by Governor Kevin Stitt on Tuesday and is set to become law in November.  House Bill 2452, aims to streamline regulations pertaining to the licensing of family home child care facilities across the state. Doing so, Representative Schreiber said, ensures these small businesses can operate efficiently and safely providing families needed, reliable and consistent childcare access which strengthens our workforce and helps our economy grow and thrive. “Addressing these issues will ensure the growth and sustainability of this important sector of Oklahoma’s economy while at the same time send a message to Oklahoma families that we are working for common sense solutions to the real problems they face staying in the workforce,” Rep. Schreiber said. “Often the biggest barrier for Oklahomans to stay in the workforce is a lack of consistent and affordable childcare, so that’s what we are attempting to do.” Schreiber lauded the bi-partisan support and excitement generated for the measure. She said its passage through the legislature and support of the governor and Oklahoma’s business community is a testament to the importance of focusing on solving real problems facing Oklahomans.  “I came to this capitol building looking to be a problem solver for the issues that Oklahomans care about the most. Removing barriers for not only Oklahoma businesses, but also for the Oklahoma families who rely on consistent and quality child care, is a common sense solution that I’m proud to have shepherded through the legislature in my first legislative session,” Rep. Schreiber said. -END-