Gann Sends Stricter Marijuana Trafficking Act to Senate
OKLAHOMA CITY – Rep. Tom Gann, R-Inola, on Wednesday passed a bill in the House that would reduce the amount of marijuana an individual may legally possess, distribute, manufacture or bring into the state under the Trafficking in Illegal Drugs Act. If House Bill 1163 becomes law, anything above 25 pounds would be considered aggravated trafficking vs. simple trafficking. The current threshold is 1,000 pounds. The crime is punishable by a fine ranging from $100,000 to $500,000. "This legislation is necessary to prevent the illegal trade of marijuana inside the state of Oklahoma," Gann said. "Whatever the law allows, it encourages, and this is an attempt to discourage such trade." Gann said this is a request by the assistant district attorney in Rogers, Mays and Craig counties. "She has expressed that this is definitely a problem," he said. "We are a high-trafficking state because of our marijuana laws, and we're trying to clamp down on that." The bill also would close another loophole that has been problematic for prosecutors. The bill would require that anyone pulled over by law enforcement that has marijuana in their system produce their medical marijuana card at the time of the stop. "What's happening, is people who are arrested for that, they buy a license between the time they are ticketed and before they get to court," Gann said. "This would stop that." The bill passed 66 to 17 in the House and now moves to the Senate where it is authored by Shane Jett, R-Shawnee.